Traffic calming with the use of decorative concrete.

Matthews, S. & Serruto, M.

There is a growing concern in the community about the need to calm traffic and reduce speeds through residential streets. Several federal and state government guidelines now available on the conceptual design of residential streets and neighbourhoods also demonstrate that more thought needs to be given to the needs of the community in designing streets and traffic calming devices. This paper will review examples of decorative in situ concrete as used in a variety of traffic calming devices. It will show that with thoughtful design and attention to detail, the use of in situ concrete permits the design and construction not only of a functional device, but also of one that enhances the streetscape. This combination of function and aesthetics leads to the desired result of increasing the amenity of residents. From the authors' experience in providing technical information to practitioners, this paper also provides guidance on some of the most commonly misunderstood aspects of concrete street design and construction. The aim is to improve the quality of concrete residential streets. Detailing guidelines for joints and service reinstatement is provided. (A)

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C 18113 (In: C 18105 CD-ROM) /32 /72 / ITRD 492027

In: Proceedings : papers presented at Transport 98, the 19th ARRB Conference, Sydney, Australia, 7-11 December 1998, Session A, p. 152-191, 14 ref.

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