Traffic congestion and travel reliability : how bad is the situation and what is being done about it?

Lomax, T. Turner, S. Hallenbeck, M. Boon, C. Margiotta, R. & O'Brien, A.

The white paper that this summary refers to is one of a series that identifies opportunities to improve the operation and management of our nation's transportation system. The summary notes that current congestion, as evident in the growing peak period and the unpredictable nature of delay, is a major source of frustration among travellers. No single strategy is sufficient to achieve acceptable reliability in a system that is consistently at or near capacity. Recognising that new construction has serious drawbacks, transportation agencies are improving roadway operations successfully by using advanced travel management systems, incident management systems, traveller information, and lane management techniques.

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C 28159 [electronic version only] /73 / ITRD E820816

Washington, D.C., U.S. Department of Transportation DOT, Federal Highway Administration FHWA, 2002, 25 p., 11 ref.; FHWA-OP-02-039

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