Traffic control at stop sign approaches.

Agent, K.R.

The objectives of this report were to: a) determine the number of crashes in Kentucky involving a driver disregarding a stop sign and the locations where these occur, b) determine the characteristics of these crashes, c) investigate locations with a large number of this type of crash, and d) make recommendations to reduce the probability of a driver disregarding a stop sign. The majority of the analyses involved a review and analysis of crashes where a stop sign was listed as the traffic control and "disregarding the traffic control" was listed as a contributing factor. Intersections having a high number of this type of crash were identified with most of these intersections inspected. Using the results of the analysis, recommendations were made which could be considered to reduce the number of this type of crash.

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C 33620 [electronic version only] /73 /80 / ITRD E830149

Lexington, KY, University of Kentucky, Kentucky Transportation Center, 2003, II + 23 p., 13 ref.; Research Report KTC-03-09/SPR258-03-1I

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