Traffic control systems handbook.

Gordon, R.L. Reiss, R.A. Haenel, H. Ryerson Case, E. French, R.L. Mohaddes, A. & Wolcott, R.

This 'Traffic control systems handbook' updates the 1985 edition (FHWA IP-85-11) and broadens the scope to include ITS technology and concepts. The handbook recommends decision-making processes in selection, implementation and operations of a traffic control system and describes ITS plans and programs. The 'Traffic control systems handbook' serves as a basic reference in planning, designing and implementing effective traffic control systems; provides an updated compendium of existing traffic control technology for the advanced designer and user; describes existing and evolving traffic control system technology; and aids understanding and facilitates training in the traffic control system field. The handbook targets administrators; traffic engineers; transportation planners; and students. In addition to summarizing the state-of-the-practice, chapters include 'A Look to the Future section' where appropriate. In this way, the material separates proven technology from systems and elements currently under development. (Author/publisher)

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C 39734 /73 /

McLean, VA, U.S. Department of Transportation DOT, Federal Highway Administration FHWA, 1996, XXXIII + 681 p., ref.; FHWA-SA-95-032 [Revised edition 1996]

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