Traffic crash reconstruction (complete re-write of Traffic Accident Reconstruction, 1st Edition (1990).

Fricke, L.B.

Traffic Crash Reconstruction, 2nd Edition provides the investigator with the scientific principles taught by the Northwestern University Center for Public Safety (formerly the Traffic Institute) since 1936. The techniques described in Traffic Crash Reconstruction, 2nd Edition were developed and proven by traffic engineer Lynn B. Fricke and his colleagues, and are considered the definitive standard by attorneys, prosecutors and judges, as well as law enforcement officers, engineers and other safety groups. Traffic Crash Reconstruction, 2nd Edition provides in-depth coverage of the major issues that arise in accident reconstruction, often using real-world accident cases and mathematical formulas to help interpret how an accident occurred. This textbook is an invaluable resource for anyone involved in traffic accident reconstruction. (Author/publisher)

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20100324 ST [electronic version only]

Evanston, IL, Northwestern University, 2010, VIII + 824 p., ref.; 2nd edition - ISBN 0-91264203-3

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