Traffic engineering and management.

Monash University, Institute of Transport Studies

This book aims to present a comprehensive, up to date source of information about traffic engineering and management in Australia. It is written for the practising traffic engineer or traffic professional, but has particular appeal to students because it deliberately emphasises the fundamentals and theoretical underpinnings of the subject matter. The book is a successor to the well-known Traffic Engineering Practice, edited by Ken Ogden and David Bennett, which appeared in four editions over the period 1979-1989. The title Traffic Engineering and Management reflects the broad scope of contemporary approaches to traffic problems, which have as much to do with management of the traffic stream as with the provision of traffic furniture, (although of course, much of the management of traffic requires the application of advanced engineering). The process of progessive updating of the TEM book and material in it will utilise traditional printing of the book and progressive updating of particular chapters. The new chapters not included in the most recent edition of TEM will be available on the ITS (Monash) website: (Author/publisher)

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C 29891 a+b /72 /73 / ITRD E210641

Melbourne, Victoria, Monash University, Institute of Transport Studies, 2003, 2 Vols. [XVIII + 274 + 565 p.], 522 ref. - ISBN 0-7326-1611-5 / ISBN 0-7326-1612-3

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