Traffic flow control at an intersection by means of signal setting duration : state-space analysis.

Turcinhodzic, F.M.

The paper presents a mathematical model of traffic flow at a signalized intersection that forms the mathematical basis for the analysis of traffic flow control by means of signal setting duration. The result of this analysis is a definition of interdependence between the signal setting duration, cycle, traffic flow volume and saturation flow. In the context of this interdependence the problem of the determination of signal setting duration in the fixed-time mode of signal operation at an intersection is considered. All considerations are deduced by the methodology of state-space analysis of dynamic systems. Accordingly, the paper represents a contribution not only to the traffic flow theory but to the system theory, as well. (A)

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C 8826 [electronic version only] /73 /71 / IRRD 238895

Transportation Research, Vol. 12 (1978), No. 6 (December), p. 411-418, 13 ref.

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