The traffic handicapped.

Andreasson, R.

First the author stresses the necessity that traffic education must be coordinated in a system that starts in pre-school, extends thereafter through all the various grade-levels of school, and concludes with driver-training. This kind of education would provide road users with knowledge of the factors that make up the traffic complex - including the interaction of its components. Secondly he states that crossing the road is a complicated task. To increase knowledge of this problem measures are needed that are based on intensive epidemiological studies and research into particular problems in the man/vehicle/road/environment system. Thirdly emphasis is laid on the behaviour of and risks for the handicapped pedestrian. For the covering abstract of the conference see IRRD abstract no 229197.

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B 12212 /83 / IRRD 229203

In: Report of The Voice of the Pedestrian VI, June 29-25, 1976. p. 62-67

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