Traffic information and management systems, user needs and technological gaps

TRAVELler and traffic information systems
Breker, S. Burgos Carrasco, D. Naniopoulos, A. Bekiaris, E. Kapoutzis, N. Knoll, C. & Widlroither, H.

Traffic information systems, in conjunction with traffic management systems, can assist in reducing negative aspects of road transport such as accidents, congestion and pollution. The main issues addressed in TRAVEL-GUIDE project are: common information concept of autonomous and infrastructure based systems (e.g. VMS and AICC info) ; close co-operation between information system manufacturers and info service providers to cover all areas of concern: information useability and reliability (why ?), information content (what ?), information timing (when ?) and information priorities (which first) ; extension and adaption of applications to all drivers groups, including professional drivers, foreign drivers, elderly and disabled drivers, etc. The Deliverable 1 presents and overview of existing and prospective traffic information systems and services as well as traffic management systems, schemes of co-operation between the previous two families of systems, and human-machine interfaces concerning the provision of information are discussed. An identification of gaps and priorities for future research and development is made for the above issues. (A)

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20011504 ST

Thessaloniki, Transport Systems Research Group, 2000, 156 p., 47 ref.

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