Traffic management program master plan : an ITS deployment program for Vancouver, British Columbia.

Kitasaka, K. Schnarr, T. & Rozental, J.

In response to ever increasing traffic congestion within the Greater Vancouver urban area, the BC Ministry of transportation and Highways South Coast Region initiated the development of a Traffic Management Program (TMP) Master Plan. The purpose of the TMP Master Plan is to develop a long term vision and implementation program which will set the direction and pace of traffic management in the South Coast Region for the next thirty years. A Master Plan for managing the Region's primary road network and guiding investment decisions in a coordinated and focused manner. One which will support the ultimate goal of providing efficient and safe movement of both people and goods, while complementing the longer term regional complementing the longer term regional transportation demand and land use management directions. This paper describes both the process used in the development of the Master Plan and the findings and recommendations of the TMP. (A)

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C 8732 (In: C 8665 e) /10 /73 / IRRD 872612

In: Transportation : total customer satisfaction : proceedings of the 1995 Transportation Association of Canada TAC annual conference, Victoria, British Columbia, October 22-25, 1995, Volume 5, p. B85-B108

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