Traffic management schemes for existing residential street layouts on the grid system.

Vreugdenhil, J.J.

The author looks at some of the area traffic schemes which were constructed and have been operating for a number of years in the Woodville Council area and other councils in Metropolitan Adelaide. The ultimate benefits and problems of the devices which have been installed, will be discussed and information will be presented about the accident reduction. Public acceptance, improvement of residential qualities as well as the problems experienced by people living, or working or using the areas treated.

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B 30210 (In: B 30206 [electronic version only]) /73 / IRRD 226282

In: Streets not roads. 8th ARRB Conference, Perth, 23- 27 August, 1976, p. 1- 19, 7 ref. Volume 8, part 2, Local Government Symposium Session 6B.

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