Traffic noise prediction model at gradients of the highway.

Rajakumara, H.N. Mahalinge Gowda, R.M. Udaya & Singh, L.

Noise is one of the environmental pollutants that are encountered in our daily life. Noise pollution has become a major concern of communities living in the vicinity of major highway corridors. In the rapidly urbanizing country like India, the transportation sector is growing rapidly, which has led to overcrowded roads and traffic noise pollution. Noise emitted by traffic is also influenced by the gradient of the highway in addition to other causative factors. In this study, the vehicles were classified into four categories based on traffic noise levels of individual vehicle and homogeneity. Traffic noise data of individual vehicles were collected at seven locations with different gradients on state highway [SH-17] near Mandya city, Karnataka state, India. In this study a gradient-based noise prediction mathematical model has been developed for each category of vehicles by multiple regression analysis of data. The results of the model indicated that the gradient has more influence on traffic noise due to heavy vehicles than light and medium classes of vehicles. The models developed in this study have been calibrated from the field observed data. For the covering abstract see ITRD E128680.

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C 36245 (In: C 36168 [electronic version only]) /15 /90 / ITRD E128757

In: Urban Transport X : urban transport and the environment in the 21st century : proceedings of the Tenth International Conference on Urban Transport and The Environment in the 21st Century, Dresden, Germany, 2004, p. 795-799, 10 ref.

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