Traffic offence sentencing processes and highway safety. Volume I: Summary report.

McGuire, J.P. & Peck, R.C.

The history and development of traffic offense sanctions are reviewed. Criteria for traffic offense sanctions are discussed in terms of evenness, economy, appropriateness, rational allocation, effectiveness and parsimony. The framework for development of standards for traffic offense sanctions is presented. The research literature related to traffic offense sanctions is reviewed, emphasizing special and general effectiveness. An agenda for recommended research is proposed. Four specific sanction policies are analyzed: habitual offender laws, driver license suspension/revocation, mandatory penalties and restricted or occupational licenses.

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B 18753 /73.2 /83.2 /

Washington, D.C., U.S. Department of Transportation DOT, National Highway Traffic Safety Administration NHTSA, 1977, XI + 65 p., ref.; DOT HS 802 326

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