Traffic in Poland against a background of the European Community policy for road safety.

Krystek, R.

A comparison of actual state of traffic safety in Poland with the state of the art in the European Community countries indicates differences which should be reduced, mostly because of the European integration in the nearest future. An attempt to estimate the divergence between Polish and EC average road-traffic conditions has been presented in this paper. It is a review of the conditions which Poland should fulfil in the domain of traffic safety before joining the European Community. This paper also briefly reports on a Commission of the European Communities report entitled "Report of the High Level Expert Group for a European Policy for Road Safety" published in 1991 (see C 5506 (IRRD 855543), and the creation of FERSI (International European Forum of Traffic Safety) to promote European wide initiatives on traffic safety. The German title of this article is: Strassenverkehr in Polen im Lichte der Politik der Europäischen Gemeinschaft in der Bereich der Verkehrssicherheit.

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C 5291 (In: C 5225 b) /72 /73 /82 /83 / IRRD 865234

In: Roads help to integrate : proceedings of the East-West European Road Conference, Warsaw, Poland, 22-24 September 1993, Volume 2, p. 208-212, 10 ref.

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