Traffic safety among older adults : recommendations for California.

Yanochko, P.

This report is intended to lay the groundwork for a co-ordinate comprehensive, and lasting approach to improve traffic safety for older adults in California. It first presents an overview of the ageing population in California and its relationship to transportation. This is followed by a look at issues related to health impairments and mobility, traffic-related injuries and fatalities, and alternative methods of transportation. The report then presents a series of seven recommendations, developed by the California Task Force on Older Adults and Traffic Safety, for preventing traffic crashes among older Californians and as well as preparing for the growing senior population. The recommendations focus on topics such as: driver assessment and licensing practices, risk identification and reduction practices, assessing traffic safety risks and health impairments, safe roadway infrastructure and land use practices, and safe motor vehicle designs. (Author/publisher)

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C 26521 [electronic version only]

San Diego CA, San Diego State University, Center for Injury Prevention Policy and Practice / California Task Force on Older Adults and Traffic Safety, 2002, 56 p., 27 ref.

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