Traffic safety and public health : State Legislative Action, 2006.

Savage, M.A. Sundeen, M. & Mejeur, J.

In 2005, more than 6 million police-reported motor vehicle crashes occurred in the United States, claiming 43,443 lives and injuring more than 2.6 million drivers and passengers. Motor vehicle wrecks are the leading cause of death for Americans between the ages of 3 and 33. Traffic safety is an important public health issue for many people, including state legislators. In 2006, state legislators debated more than 1,500 traffic safety proposals. These bills focused on ways to keep drivers, passengers and pedestrians safe on the road. Some focused on seat belt use, while others proposed possible solutions to deal with speeders and repeat drunk drivers. This report summarizes the traffic safety legislation considered during 2006. The ninth in a series, it serves as a follow-up to Traffic Safety and Public Health: State Legislative Action, 2005 (December 2005). (Author/publisher)

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C 39568 [electronic version only]

Denver, CO, National Conference of State Legislatures (NCSL), 2007, 63 p., 22 ref.; Transportation Series ; No. 31 - ISBN 978-1-58024-477-0

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