Traffic safety education : Street Scene program evaluation.

Smith, R. Elliott, B. & Taylor, R.

RACV's Street Scene, a Traffic Safety Education (TSE) program designed for primary schools makes available qualified and specially trained primary teachers to visit schools to assist with classroom activities and in planning road safety programs. In 2005 the Street Scene program was independently evaluated through a series of qualitative focus groups held with teachers. The purpose of the evaluation was to identify Street Scene's strengths and weaknesses and provide guidance for improving the programs take-up, its implementation and its impact on teachers, including teachers' perceptions of the effects on students and parents. The Street Scene program was found to be highly respected, with teachers reporting that the educators provided exemplary lessons which were particularly valued in stimulating teachers' interest and building their confidence in delivering TSE themselves. The evaluation showed that while some resources were very useful to teachers in providing a framework linking TSE to curriculum, other resources required redevelopment. (a) For the covering entry of this conference, please see ITRD abstract no. E214930.

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C 39667 (In: C 39665 CD-ROM) /83 / ITRD E214824

In: Saferoads 2006 : moving towards a safe system : presentation CD, Melbourne, 7-8 September 2006, 6 p., 2 ref.

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