Traffic safety related to types of road and traffic signals.

Jamroz, K. & Michalski, L.

During the last two years the number of cars have increased by about 20% in Poland and simultaneously the increase of accidents overtook the increase in traffic. The severity of accidents increased too and remains at an unacceptable high level. This paper investigates some factors affecting this low traffic safety; accidents on urban and rural highways; the influence of cross-section elements (number of lanes, width of pavements, type of shoulders); and the density of intersections and traffic signals on safety. Reference is also made to driving with lights on during the daytime in Poland.

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C 6445 (In: C 6392 d S) /82 / IRRD 866372

In: Proceedings of the conference Road safety in Europe, Berlin, Germany, September 30 - October 2, 1992, VTI rapport 380A, Part 4, p. 61-69, 3 ref.

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