Traffic safety situation in Iran.

Zakeri-Sohi, M. & Mojtahedzadeh, M.

The complicated nature of road accidents in Iran combined with the multiplicity of their causes has created a wide variety of strategies and measures to be taken with regard to human precautions, regulations, road network, campaigns, information, rescuing, vehicles and the environment. It is quite indisputable that the efficient operation of such strategies in each one of the fields mentioned would tremendously reduce the accidents, casualties and injuries, and costs in various levels. Despite the improvement of public awareness regarding traffic safety and the increasing concentration of the authorities on the issue, there are still problems impeding the realization of the strategies. That is why, many people are killed or injured in road accidents every year in Iran and its growth rates of accidents, fatalities and injuries is among the highest in the world. The present article seeks to briefly point to the obstacles preventing the Iranian traffic safety improvement, and the steps already or currently being taken, followed by recommended solutions and strategies to improve the situation (A). For the covering abstract of the conference see E217780.

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C 45761 (In: C 45677 [electronic version only]) /80 / ITRD E217865

In: Proceedings the 13th International Conference on Road Safety on Four Continents, Warsaw, Poland 5-7 October 2005, 15 p., 9 ref.

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