A traffic signal data management system for urban transportation planning.

Fenton, B.W.

A summary is presented of research and development conducted by the transportation section of the franklin county regional planning commission directed toward the design and completion of a data management system for traffic signals. In performing one of its main functions, urban transportation planning, the commission has need of current traffic signal data to determine link service volumes for network traffic assignments, to analyze problem intersections, and to assist in the development of topics programs for municipalities within the study region. The design of this data management system is predicated on the utilization of a system/360-model 30 digital computer for data manipulation, data storage, and for the printing of permanent output records. Descriptions of the phasing, timing, hardware, and location of each traffic signal are coded in symbol form and keypunched as input data cards. A system program converts these symbols to recognizable form and generates the printed output record. Procedures for updating are included in the system. The end result is that all traffic signals in franklin county are described in the system by jurisdiction (municipality or township). each agency will receive updated copies of the printed output records for such uses as the planning of routine maintenance programs, the planning and programming of capital improvement projects designed to update each traffic signal to national standards, and the development of signal timing and phasing revisions to improve traffic flow. The output record will also serve as a communications device between the planning agency and the municipalities. (Author/publisher)

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A 4454 (In: A 4452 S) IRRD 49115

In: Traffic control devices, Highway Research Record HRR 286, 1969, p. 18-32, 1 ref.

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