Traffic technology international 2003 : the 2003 international review of advanced traffic management.

Borras, K. (ed.)

This annual review issue of the journal covers topics across the subject area of transport technology current during 2002-2003. Company product reviews are featured for traffic control barriers, intelligent bus stops, traveller information, toll systems, laser and video detection, surveillance camera management, intelligent transport systems (ITS) architecture, fibre-optic communications, computer graphics visualisation, lane control, and video network integration. Other subjects presented include the use of ITS in managing transport corridors, presenting traffic information, controlling congestion, planning local transport strategy, assisting developing countries, ITS standards development, licence plate recognition, surveillance cameras, tunnel safety, testing global positioning system receivers, simulation, and satellite-borne radar used for traffic surveying. For abstracts of the papers see C 26001 - C 26029 (ITRD E118382 - E118410).

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C 26000 /10 /72 /73 / ITRD E118381

Dorking, UK & International Press, 2003, 224 p. - ISSN 1352-8548

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