Traffic technology, road safety education and the efficiency of the measures in these fields.

Manhardt, P.

Road safety campaigns in general should include efficacious preliminary planning through research, a cost-benefit analysis, and subsequent evaluation. The functional ranges of road safety campaigns are "man - man", "vehicle - man", and "road - man". As a rule, the utilization of the "man - man" and "vehicle - man" campaign scopes is satisfactory, even though the preparation, conducting or evaluation of certain campaigns may still be imperfect. In the "road - man" campaign scope, a smooth communication system should be created and built up. The existing information gap in this system prevents road users from knowing and understanding the properties and requirements of the road. Any measures in this field must be taken in combination with corresponding activities in other spheres of action. (a) see also IRRD abstract no 208624.

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B 21391 (In: B 2628) [electronic version only] /83 / IRRD 208632

In: Efficiency and effectiveness of road safety campaigns : proceedings of an International Congress, The Hague, October 19-20, 1972, p. 44-50, 66-67

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