TRAILblazing into the future : proceedings of the 7th TRAIL congress 2002, Rotterdam, 26 november 2002. Selected papers.

Bovy, P.H.L. (ed.)

This CD-ROM contains the proceedings of the 7th TRAIL congress 2002, held in the Dutch city of Rotterdam on 26th November 2002. One of the areas covered is dynamic traffic management. The paper "Optimal Coordination of Variable Speed Limits to Suppress Shock Waves" is one of the contributions in this field. In this study, a model predictive control (MPC) is presented and applied. The study concentrates on discrete-valued speed limits and constraints following from safety considerations. For the paperback version of these proceedings see C 25191.

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C 25193 CD-ROM

Delft, Delft University Press DUP Science, 2002, CD-ROM, 224 ref.

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