Train operations computer simulation case study: single-tracking operations for Philadelphia's market-frankford subway elevated railrapid transit line.

Bruun, E. & Salpeas, P.T.

The graphical portrayal of train operations using time-distance diagrams has long been used to develop schedules and for other analyses. The availability, however, of relatively simple, practical, user-friendly computerised tools to do the related calculations and plots is limited. The development and application of a package of PC-driven programs that accurately simulates train operations, plots bi-directional operations charts and schedules, and allows sensitivity testing of various operating parameters are discussed. The package was tested using data derived from the operations of Philadelphia's Market-Frankford subway elevated rail rapid transit line. It then successfully generated graphical schedule (string-chart) diagrams for this two-track line under a series of operating assumptions. Of special interest was the testing of the present schedule while a section of track 599 m (1,964 ft) long between two stations was taken out of service. Such a package can be easily developed and used for a variety of sensitivity analyses, graphical scheduling, and other operational tests.

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C 25887 (In: C 25885 S) IRRD 850068

In: Public transit research : rail, bus and new technology 1991, Transportation Research Record TRR 1308, p. 8-15, 1 ref.

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