Training materials for drivers. PREVENT (Develop a Training Programme to Improve Work Zone Safety), Deliverable 4.1.


In the European Union project PREVENT a training programme is developed to improve work zone safety. The project started in October 2003. In the project, 7 work packages are distinguished. In WP 1, data are collected regarding accidents around work zones in the last decade in Europe. In WP2 research data on drivers' behaviour passing through work zones are collected. Together, WP 1 and WP2 aim to present a clear picture of what is the current situation in accident data and driving behaviour, and to what accident types and behaviour types the training programme should be directed to have optimal effect. In WP3 the training material for workers, supervisors and inspectors will be developed whereas in WP4 the material for drivers and driver instructors will be developed. WP5 deals with the production of an educational and promotional video. In WP6 a pilot training will be carried out for both work zone personnel and drivers. WP7 deals with the dissemination of the results to relevant actors and key players in the field of traffic safety. The present report is aimed to be the basis of WP4, developing training material for drivers and driver instructors. In this report, educational objectives for the development of a training programme for drivers around work zones are described. Educational objectives are specifications of the knowledge a person should have after completing the training program. They are a necessary first step when developing a training program. This report is organised as follows. In chapter 2, the educational objectives and their relevance for the training context are described. Chapter 3 describes the material on which the educational objectives are based. This chapter is to a large extent derived from Deliverable 2 of the PREVENT project. In chapter 4, the educational objectives are described in detail. Chapter 5, finally, includes the list of references. (Author/publisher)

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C 39548 [electronic version only]

Brussels, European Commission EC, Directorate General Education and Training, Leonardo da Vinci Community Vocational Training Action Programme Second phase 2000 - 2006 : Pilot projects (including Thematic actions), Language competencies, Transnational networks, Reference material, 2003, 41 p., 10 ref. EL/2003/B/F/PP-148205

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