Trainingsprogram für Ältern zur Verkehrserziehung von Kleinkindern : das Tübinger Elterntrainingsprogram für die Verkehrserziehung von Kindern im Vorschulalter.

Limbourg, M. & Gerber, D.

The aim of the paper was to set up an empirically based program in order that the traffic safety consciousness of pre-school children could be improved. The program is based on the knowledge that parents are generally beat positioned to teach their children safe road behaviour. Therefore the program is directly addressed to parents, using the appropriate media, in order to prepare them for their tasks.

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B 15419 /83.5 /

Köln, Bundesanstalt für Strassenwesen BASt, 1979, 67 p., ref.; Unfall- und Sicherheitsforschung Strassenverkehr ; Heft 23 - ISSN 0341-5732

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