TRANSINPOL survey report : survey report on policy requirements for the integration of information and communication technology in the transport sector.

TNO Inro Fraunhofer ISI & Technum

This report covers the results of the survey of the TRANSINPOL project that has taken place during the months July and August 1999. TRANSINPOL is a strategic transport research project, funded by the European Commission, DG VII. The objective of this project is to identify transport policy requirements for the integration of information, communication, payment, and navigation systems and services in all transport modes. In order to reach this objective, TRANSINPOL covers political, technological, organisational, institutional, legal, and socioeconomic aspects. TRANSINPOL will support policy makers in identifying the most pressing issues and appropriate policy options, primarily at the EU level, but also at the level of national and local authorities. The aim of the questionnaire survey was to validate the results, ideas and priorities of the TRANSINPOL project, and to gather additional thoughts and arguments for the various policy requirements. The respondents were experts on Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) in transport in Europe.

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C 14624 [electronic version only] /72 / IRRD E201707

Delft, TNO Infrastructure, Transport and Regional Development INRO, Department of Traffic and Transportation, 1999, 35 p.; TNO-report ; INRO/Log 1999-12

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