Transit for the transportation disadvantaged in Mississippi.

Wise, J.F. & Ruch, J.W.

This paper describes how, it has been said that transportation is the life blood of an areaÆs economy. Also of considerable importance is the fact that transit for the transportation disadvantaged is an essential element of a more productive, healthier, and happier life for this important groupof citizens. Mississippi has an abundance of transportation and limited financial resources for adequately meeting their needs. The area is a poor,sparsely populated rural state with a total of about 2.5 million people and the task of meeting the rather substantial disadvantaged transportationneeds under existing and anticipated funding constraints is overwhelming.The objective of this paper is to document the approach taken by the Mississippi Department of Energy and Transportation and more importantly, the efforts of the local transit providers to make the most of limited funds through improved coordination, and effective and efficient use of local resources.

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C 45200 (In: C 45189) /72 / ITRD E846165

In: Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Mobility and Transport for Elderly and Handicapped Persons, under the auspices of Florida State University and the Loughborough University of Technology, Orlando, Florida, October 29-31, 1984, 6 p.

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