Translation of Dutch 30kph zone design manual.

Lines, C.J. & Castelijn, H.A.

In 1984, the Dutch Government passed legislation which allowed a maximum speed limit of 30kph in certain designated areas. Following this the Ministry of Transport (Directie Verkeersveiligheid) published a handbook of measures for 30kph Zones, entitled "Handboek 30km/h : Maatregelen" (ISBN 90-346-03415). This paper is a translation of that handbook with minor changes and additional commentary to make the paper more relevant to UK conditions. Part A (Chapter 2) of the paper considers the safety problem in the residential area. Three main objectives are stated and work aims listed that can be used to achieve these objectives. The types of measures are then considered in principle and these related to the work aims. Part B (Chapter 3 considers the work methods and measures, and lists the important factors to be considered when designing Zones. A selection system is then described that can be used to select appropriate measures from a knowledge of the important site factors. The `Measure Pages' form the main content of the paper and describe some 81 individual designs in four categories - measures on sections of road, measures at junctions, designs for gateways to the Zone, and traffic management measures. For each measure there is a sketch, followed by design information describing the measure and its use. (A)


C 4557 [electronic version only] /72 /73 / IRRD 844264

Crowthorne, Berkshire, Transport and Road Research Laboratory TRRL TRL, Traffic Safety Division, 1991, 141 p., 74 ref.; Paper PA2046/91

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