Transport in Europe.

Gerondeau, C.

In this book the author aims to shed new light on the debate about the role of automobile and truck transportation in Europe and to show that many commonly held assumptions are poorly founded. In examining all forms of land transport including urban and non-urban roadways, railways, freight transport, sea crossings and air transportation, the author believes transport policies world-wide are in need of deep changes. The book provides a wide-ranging discussion of transport in Europe from its different angles of economy, urban policy, town and country planning, its impact on life and its consequences, and competition among modes of transport.

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C 26182 /10 /21 /72 / IRRD 896353

London, Artech House Books, 1997, XLIII + 432 p., 157 ref.; Intelligent Transportation System ITS Series - ISBN 0-89006-931-X

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