Transport policy.

May, A.D.

This chapter presents a comprehensive approach to the formulation of a transport policy. It outlines a logical approach to transport policy formulation, discusses the objectives of transport policy and how to identify and assess transport problems, describes the range of available solutions, and outlines the case for an integrated approach to transport policy formulation. The objectives-led and problem-oriented approaches can be used to identify objectives and related problems. Types of objective include vision statements are higher-level, quantified, and solution-specific objectives. Objectives include: (1) economic efficiency; (2) environmental protection; (3) safety; (4) accessibility; (5) sustainability; (6) economic regeneration; (7) equity; (8) financial feasibility; and (9) practicability. Conflicts between objectives also need to be resolved. Infrastructure, management, information, and pricing measures include provision for cars, public transport, cyclist, pedestrians, and freight. Land-use measures cannot be focused mainly on specific modes, but are mostly designed to encourage the use of public transport, cycling and walking, and shorter and fewer journeys. Some potential benefits of integrated transport policies are briefly discussed. For the covering abstract, see IRRD 892228.

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C 40756 (In: C 40753) /10 /72 / IRRD 892231

In: Transport planning and traffic engineering, edited by C.A. O'Flaherty, London, Arnold, 2003, ISBN 0-340-66279-4, 4th edition, p. 42-79, 73 ref.

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