Transport policy for an ageing population.

Metz, D.

Mobility declines with increasing age, reflecting the onset of physical or mental infinity, affordability of travel for those on retirement incomes, and the mal-design of the transport infrastructure and operational arrangements. With the prospect of a rapidly ageing population, it is important to address measures to promote mobility if the quality of life of older people is to be sustained. In the UK, pensioners on low Incomes, who could be hindered in their travel by the cost of fares on public transport, benefit from the general availability of half price (or better) concessionary fares for local travel. A variety of measures are in place to counter the effects of age-associated disabilities that hinder mobility, including low floor buses, subsidised taxis and community transport schemes. The Disability Discrimination Act is ensuring that public services vehicles are accessible to older people with disabilities. The motor car is of increasing importance in later life, particularly for those with disabilities, and a variety of design and technological approaches are being brought to bear to maintain the mobility of older people. These various efforts undoubtedly enhance the mobility of older people. However, beyond that broad conclusion it is hard to make evidence based judgements. There is therefore a pressing need to develop methods to evaluate developments in policy and practice. (Author/publisher)

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C 27362 [electronic version only] /72 / ITRD E119571

Transport Reviews, Vol. 23 (2003), No. 4 (October-December), p. 375-386, 48 ref.

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