Transport policy implementation and outcomes : the case of Yaounde in the 1990s. Proefschrift Technische Universiteit Delft TUD.

Eddia, S.

This thesis examines the implementation and outcomes of market friendly reforms in urban public transport in the city of Yaonde in Cameroon in the 1990s under auspices and pressure from Bretton Woods Institutions in favour of the new development doctrine that preached minimal state. It seeks to expalin why certain policy measures were implemented and others not. The lessons drawn from this case study show how the particular governance context exerts influence on public policy. (Author/publisher)


20091124 ST [electronic version only]

Delft, The Netherlands TRAIL Research School, 2009, 192 p., ref.; TRAIL Thesis Series ; T2009/8 - ISBN 978-90-5584-113-4

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