Transport priority : the UK context.

Luke, S.

This paper will review the United Kingdom's attempts at establishing transport priority from the strategic policy level to the detailed design of schemes. This paper will focus on the outcomes from a series of major region-wide multi-modal studies which have been undertaken across England. These studies aimed to examine the role of different modes to delivering interurban transport solutions. The studies examined the potential for 'hard' and 'soft' demand management measures, and were also innovative in developing multi-modal assessment tools and appraisal techniques to achieve a balance between alternative modes, other transport initiatives and wider (non transport) measures. The paper will examine the success (or otherwise) of these studies at delivering multi-modal outcomes, establishing priority and will identify possible lessons for Australian practice. At the detailed policy level this paper will review current developments with the preparation of new Local Transport Plans which establish the case and priority for funding schemes, and will examine the key features of the new Local Transport Plans. (a) For the covering entry of this conference, please see ITRD abstract no. E212956.

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C 39603 (In: C 39601 CD-ROM) /10 /72 / ITRD E212958

In: Priority treatment : juggling competing demands : conference papers 2005 AITPM National Conference, Sofitel Brisbane, 27-29 July 2005, p. 39-55

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