Transport research and development and the intelligent use of transport systems : working paper for the Moscow workshop on transport research and technological development, 17th and 18th April 1997.


This paper is a working document for the Workshop on Transport Research and Technological Development (RTD) which the European Commission organised in collaboration with the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation in Moscow on April 17th and 18th, 1997. The purpose of this workshop was to provide an input to the Third Pan-European Transport Conference's consideration of the intelligent use of transport systems, particularly those aspects relating to RTD and future means of transport. The paper therefore explains the background to the Helsinki discussionss on transport RTD, the policy context to Community RTD and the background to past, present and future Community transport RTD. It suggests some subjects which the workshop might consider as priorities for strengthened Pan-European co-operation and puts forward some ideas on the form this collaboration might take and, finally, how it might be implemented.

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971211 ST

Brussels, European Commission EC, Directorate-General Transport VII, 1997, 22 + 14 p.

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