Transport telematics: Stockholm ready to implement road user charging trial on Jan 3.

Martin, J.

A road user charging trial will start in Stockholm, Sweden, on 3 January 2006. It aims at assessing whether an environmental/congestion charge, with an increase in the provision of public transport, can contribute to a more effective traffic system. The trial objectives are to reduce congestion, improve access and deliver environmental benefits. The geography of Stockholm, where the city centre is spread out over islands connected by a small number of bridges and tunnels, has led to disproportionate congestion. The political background to the charging scheme is outlined. Construction of the gantries and installation of the cameras, lasers and beacons at 18 locations began in May 2005. The scheme involves a cordon around the city centre. The charge is only payable by Swedish-registered vehicles. Exemptions to charging are listed. The charge is triggered by a combination of automatic number plate recognition readers, with a photograph taken and retained, and beacons responding to transponders in the vehicles. Details are given of charge levels and timings. The trial will finish on 31 July 2006.

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I E128956 [electronic version only] /10 /72 / ITRD E128956

Traffic Engineering and Control. 2006 /01. 47(1) Pp15-8

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