Transport Trends 2002 edition.


This is the fifth in the annual series of Transport Trends which provides some discussion of the statistics compiled for the Transport Statistics Great Britain report (which is available as hard copy or on the DfT transport statistics website). Transport trends is divided into 8 sections: roads, vehicles and congestion; personal travel by mode; public transport; variation in personal travel and access to services; freight and logistics; ports and airports; safety; and health, environment and the countryside. Some of the major trends highlighted include: increasing ownership and use of the private car; increased use of light van and goods vehicles; decreasing use of motorcycles and bicycles; increasing distances travelled by car, rail and domestic aircraft; increased bus use in London but not in other metropolitan areas; increased investment in railway rolling stock and infrastructure; decreased passenger train punctuality; increased difficulties in getting to services (especially hospitals) for households without cars; increased car ownership in low income groups; increased use of the car for shopping; increased total freight movement over increasing distances; increased air passenger travel except in 2000-2001; a halving of the passenger fatality rate for cars since 1980; a 38% decrease in car crime since 1992; increased greenhouse gas emissions from transport; decreased urban walking; increased adverse effects of highway transport noise; and an increase in the number of people claiming to have reduced the use of a car for short journeys.

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C 24133 [electronic version only] /10 /15 /72 /81 / ITRD E117657

London, Department for Transport DfT, 2002, 107 p., 16 ref.; Transport Statistics Bulletin ; SB (02) 26

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