Transportation and traffic theory

flow, dynamics and human interaction
Mahmassani, H.S. (ed.)

The ISTTT series is the main gathering for the world?s transportation and traffic theorists, and the resulting volume is a field-defining milestone featuring the most promising thinking and theoretical developments. It reflects the major renewal the field is experiencing, with the entry of many new scientists from a variety of disciplines, and the mutual coexistence of a growing number of theoretical perspectives and modelling cultures. While this volume covers a wide range of aspects of the modelling of transportation processes as complex systems, an overarching theme is the recognition that these systems are a collective expression of individual human decisions. A significant number of the contributions published here therefore deal with some aspect of human behaviour – whether as travellers, drivers, passengers, operators, or regulators – reflecting the great strides being made in developing theories and mathematical representations of these phenomena. This book contains the proceedings of the 16th International Symposium on Transportation and Traffic Theory ( ISTTT ) that was held at the University of Maryland, College Park in Maryland, USA from July 18 - 21, 2005. (Author/publisher)

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20072176 ST

Amsterdam [etc.], Elsevier, 2005, VII + 780 p., ref. - ISBN-10 0-08-044680-9

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