Transportation implications of alternative sketch plans.

Balkus, K.

Six sketch plans prepared by the planning division for a region of 30 million population were evaluated for transportation implications. The aim was to gain insight into the form of transportation network which, according to the present means of travel, would correspond to each development sketch. The study also compares the resource commitments required for the several plans. Of the planning variables employed to construct the sketch plan alternatives , the distribution of population densities served as the measure of variation among the alternative plans. Trip generation and segregation by transportation modes were estimated on the basis of the prevailing patterns in this and other regions. Travel costs for this analysis were adapted from other studies. Results indicate the relative growth of mass transit and auto modes of travel in terms of the 1960 volumes, and also provide an indication as to how the variation in travel might influence the resource allocation between the two modes of transportation. The sketches indicate a pronounced variation in the utilization of auto and mass transit modes. This variation appears to be one of the most important issues requiring reconciliation with other urbanization problems in weighing future development policies. Different forms of travel in the six development schemes also imply different policy orientation toward housing, parking, distribution of jobs, and other development programs. Sketch plans represent development concepts, and the objective of this undertaking is to open vistas for speculation on the course of future urbanization trends. This analysis provides the first approximation of transportation implications for the analysed development schemes. It also suggests the succeeding steps that could be taken to narrow the gap between sketch plan ideas and workable alternatives. /author/.

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A 2977 (In: A 1141 S)

Highway Research Record, 1967. No 180, p. 52-70, 3 ref.

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