Transportation management plan for a unique highway project.

Davidian, V. & Mogharabi, A.

This paper discusses the development of a Transportation Management Plan (TMP) for a freeway interchange reconstruction project on the I-40/I-15 interchange near Barstow, California. This TMP project is unique because its peak hour of traffic occurs on Friday and Sunday evenings when weekend travelers, many with recreational vehicles, travel between the Los Angeles area and recreation areas in the State of Nevada. The situation is further complicated by the heavy percentage of truck traffic on I-40, which is one of the causes of congestion problems necessitating the interchange improvement project. (A)

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981324 l2 ST (In: ST 981324)

In: Traffic congestion and traffic safety in the 21st century : challenges, innovations, and opportunities : proceedings of the conference, Chicago, Illinois, June 8-11, 1997, p. 264-270

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