Transportation modelling for regional evacuations. Proefschrift Technische Universiteit Delft TUD.

Pel, A.J.

Regional evacuation planning is complex and timely. These planning studies can be assisted by a transportation model. In this thesis, we investigate the requirements for such a model, and develop, implement, and test a new model, called EVAQ, which meets these requirements. Two case studies show how EVAQ can be used to assess the success and robustness of an existing evacuation plan, as well as design an optimal plan anticipating uncertainty in traveller compliance behaviour. The analyses yield a number of practical recommendations to improve evacuation planning. (Author/publisher)

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C 50576 [electronic version only] /72 /

Delft, The Netherlands TRAIL Research School, 2011, XII + 170 p., 181 ref.; TRAIL Thesis Series ; T2011/10 - ISBN 978-90-5584-147-9

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