Transportation for older Americans : a state of the art report. Prepared for the Administration on Aging.

Revis, J.S.

The study examines the transportation demands of the elderly, present delivery systems, taxi and bus modes, the elderly as drivers and pedestrians, and the scope of the market for elderly transportation needs. The study also examines sources of project funding for transportation (present and future potentials), special problems and constraints in developing transport projects for older Americans (public, special and private transport systems), and future needs for research and programs. The study also contains a set of detailed systems serving the elderly, a bibliography, and other special annexes on driver licensing, reduced fares, school bus laws, and others.

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B 19944 MF [electronic version only]

Washington, D.C., Institute of Public Administration, 1975, 727 p., graph., tab., ref.; NTIS PB 243441 [rapport begint op pag. 200 van pdf]

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