Transportation Planner’s Safety Desk Reference : companion to NCHRP Report 500 "Guidance for implementation of the AASHTO Strategic Highway Safety Plan" : updated - now includes all 22 emphasis areas.

Cambridge Systematics Inc. (prep.)

The updated Transportation Planner’s Safety Desk Reference includes strategies derived from the National Cooperative Highway Research Program’s (NCHRP) Report 500 Guidance for Implementation of the American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO) Strategic Highway Safety Plan. All 22 emphasis areas are now covered, including five new ones (young drivers, bicycle collisions, speeding, head-on collisions on freeways, and motorcycles). Additional sections on collecting and analysing highway safety data and developing emphasis area plans have also been added. This document discusses the planner’s role in transportation safety and the incorporation of safety into the transportation planning process. Each emphasis area section includes: overview of the problem; data defining the problem; descriptions of safety strategies that are most relevant to planners; crash modification factors that can be used to determine the reduction in crashes anticipated from specific safety improvements; and additional resources and best practices, where available. (Author/publisher)

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20100502 ST [electronic version only]

Washington, D.C., U.S. Department of Transportation DOT, Federal Highway Administration FHWA, Office of Safety, 2010, VII + 103 p., ref.; FHWA-HEP-10-001

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