Transversal traffic education.

Rozestraten, R.J.A.

WHO Informed that worldwide traffic kills yearly 1.200.000 people, and injures 50.000.000. This anonymous epidemic makes 40.000 fatal victims per year, 10% of them are children in school age we could live still 60 or 70 years. What says the new Brazilian Traffic Code about ?(law 9.503/97). Chapter VI Traffic Education Art.74 - Traffic Education is a right of all and a duty of priority of the National Traffic System. Art.76 - Traffic Education will be promoted in kindergarten and in primary and secondary schools and universities by means of planning and coordinated actions between bodies and entities of the National Traffic System and of Education of the Union, the States, the Federal District and the Municipalities. We question: where is the planning after 8 years of the code promulgation? Traffic Education is not even mentioned between the transversal disciplines. Why doesn't the Government obey its own laws? Children don't die in traffic because they don't know Portuguese or Mathematics but because nobody taught them how to behave safely in traffic. With these facts in mind we elaborated a Psychopedagogic Manual for transversal traffic education for teachers of the Primary schools. (7 till 14 years old). This Manual is followed by eight books "Educating Traffic " which present worked-out lessons for the eight years of these schools with concepts about safe traffic behavior and the traffic rules of the code. Traffic education can be realized transversaly within the compulsory disciplines like Portuguese, Mathematics, Social Studies, Science, Geography, History and so on. The books show that it will be possible to educate children to be careful road-users as pedestrians and cyclists, and the rules they will be have to obey when they start driving motorcycles or cars in the future. For the covering abstract see ITRD E137120.

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C 49151 (In: C 49130 CD-ROM) /83 / ITRD E137141

In: Measures to assess risk in traffic as reflected by individual test performance, in attitude measurement and by behaviour and interaction : proceedings of the extra workshop on International Cooperation on Theory and Concepts on Traffic Safety of the International Cooperation on Theories and Concepts in Traffic Safety ICTCT, Campo Grande, Brazil, 21-23 March 2005, Pp.

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