Trauma care systems in Belgium.

Nijs, S.J. & Broos, P.L.

Belgium, the heart of Europe, has a high number of traffic related deaths. Although a well organised system of pre-hospital care composed of a centralised alarming system, trained EMT's and a MUG-system exists, no rules for the intra-hospital care exist. The Belgian government tries to reduce traffic related deaths by sensitisation and repression. Of course, this is necessary especially as one regards the high number of speedings, drunk driving and safety belt infractions related to the accidents with deaths. Besides sensitisation, repression and direct car safety measures, the organisation of a trauma system might further decrease trauma related mortality, morbidity and permanent incapacities. (Author/publisher)

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C 26704 [electronic version only]

Injury, Vol. 34 (2003), No. 9 (September), p. 652-657, 16 ref.

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