Travel and pregnancy : the prevention of fetomaternal trauma with correct use of seatbelts.

Bajada, S. & Pring, D.W.

Most women will use some form of transport during their pregnancy. Pregnant women should wear a correctly positioned safety belt which will protect them and their unborn baby. There is an accessory device marketed to keep the lap belt in the correct position. Airbags should not be deactivated. After maternal demise, the main cause of fetal loss in motor vehicle accidents is placental abruption. A pregnant woman involved in an accident should attend hospital after all but the most minor of accidents. Maternal resuscitation is vital to fetal survival. A Kleihauer test to detect fetomaternal haemorrhage should be performed and all Rhesus negative women should receive anti-D. Most women feel able to start driving 1-3 weeks after a vaginal birth and 6 weeks after a caesarean section. Midwives have an important role to play in correctly advising women on how to travel safely. (A)

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C 24358 [electronic version only]

MIDIRS Midwifery Digest, Vol. 12 (2002), No. 1 (March), p. 51-55, 40 ref.

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