Travel behaviour research : updating the state of play.

De Dios Ortúzar, J. Hensher, D. & Jara-Diaz, S. (eds.)

This book contains twenty-nine papers originally presented at the Seventh International Conference of the International Association for Travel Behaviour Research in 1994. The book is organised into five parts: (1) underpinnings of travel behaviour; (2) stated preference; (3) travel patterns; (4) dynamics of route choice; (5) methodological advancements. [Contents: Foreword. Underpinnings of Travel Behaviour. Behavioural assumptions overlooked in travel choice modelling (T. Gärling). A general micro-model of users' behaviour: the basic issues (S.R. Jara-Díaz). Causal analysis in travel behaviour research: a cautionary note (R.M. Pendyala). Driver information processing failures in road accidents: from description to interpretation (P. Van Elslande, D. Dubois). The simulation of behaviour in a non-experienced future: the case of urban road pricing (C. Raux et al.). Stated Preference. Reflections on stated preference: theory and practice (J. Bates). Stated preference studies: the design affects the results (S. Widlert). Own account or hire freight: a stated preference analysis (L. Fridstrøm, A. Madslien). Behavioural models of airport choice and air route choice (M.A. Bradley). A model of employee participation in telecommuting programs based on stated preference data (Jin-Ru Yen et al.). Discrete logit modelling based on SP data of the analytic hierarchy process for parking choice (Shoji Matsumoto, L.E. Rojas). Travel Patterns. Estimation of origin-destination matrices using traffic counts: an application to Stockholm, Sweden (T. Abrahamsson). Two new methods for estimating trip matrices from traffic counts (O.A. Nielsen). Simple models of highway reliability – supply effects (L.G. Willumsen, N.B. Hounsell). Detecting long-term trends in travel behaviour: problems associated with repeated national personal travel surveys (U. Kunert). Mobility surveys in Lisbon and Porto: a comparative analysis of results (J.M. Viegas, F.G. Gomes). Changes in urban travel behaviour of elderly people (P. Pochet). Potential estimate for the acceptance of a new motorised bicycle in urban traffic: methodic aspects and results (G. Sammer et al.). Configurational modelling of urban movement networks (A. Penn et al.). Dynamics of Route Choice. Day-to-day dynamics of urban commuter departure time and route switching decisions: joint model estimation (Rong-Chang Jou, H.S. Mahmassani). Departure time and path choice models for intercity transit assignment (A. Nuzzolo, F. Russo). The impact of dynamic traffic information: modelling approach and empirical results (E.C. van Berkum, P.H.J. van der Mede). Methodological Advancements. Bayesian reliability of discrete choice models (R.A. Garrido). Discrete choice models with latent variables using subjective data (Takayuki Morikawa, Kuniaki Sasaki). The Stability of parameter estimates in household based structured logit models for travel-to-work decisions (T. Tretvik, S. Widlert). The dependent availability logit model and its applications (W. Saleh, M.G.H. Bell). The timing of change for automobile transactions: competing risk multispell specification (D.A. Hensher). Forecasting car-occupancy: literature review and model development (G. De Jong et al.). Co-Ordination of road pricing policies in Hong Kong (W.H.K. Lam, R.J. Ye). List of participants. Index']

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C 27497 /72 / IRRD E101899

Amsterdam [etc.], Pergamon, 1998, XII + 554 p., 473 ref. - ISBN 0-08-043360-X

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