Travel mode choice of women : the result of limitation, ecological norm, or weak habit?

Matthies, E. Kuhn, S. & Klockner, C.A.

This work examined a model of travel mode choice that is able to explain gender differences in the willingness to reduce car use. A survey of 187 residents of a German city was used to test the hypothesis that women are more willing to reduce car use due to their stronger ecological norms and weaker car habits. Results confirm women's greater willingness and the mediating role of norm and habit in the intention to reduce car use and in actual travel mode choice, but not with regard to the preference rating. The intention to reduce car use is mainly influenced by the ecological norm, whereas actual travel behavior is more strongly influenced by habit.

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C 28166 [electronic version only] /72 / ITRD E821022

Environment and Behavior, Vol. 34 (2002), No. 2 (March), p. 163-177, 39 ref.

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