TravelGuide : a low-cost portable traveller information system.

Heti, G.

The Ministry of Transportation of Ontario (MTO) has developed a concept for a low-cost Advanced Traveller Information System (ATIS) based on the use of a hand-held, portable computer to provide users with real-time traffic and transit information. The system allows transit users to obtain information on the arrival of transit vehicles at their stop. Drivers get information on road and traffic conditions and are provided step-by-step route guidance to their destinations. The Ministry is developing the system in partnership with the private sector and began the development of the system in Toronto in the summer of 1993. A principal goal is to allow TravelGuide to be used anywhere in North America and possibly America and possibly elsewhere. The Ministry is spearheading the development of the International Traveler Information Interchange Standard (ITIIS) to support widespread use of TravelGuide. ITIIS specifies data and communications protocols as well as location referencing standards used in passing information between the traffic data centre and user devices. It is anticipated that following a successful demonstration, the Ministry will continue to collect and provide traffic and transit data to service providers. The private sector will develop commercial versions of the system and provide services to the public. (A)

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C 5365 (In: C 5356) /72 /73 / IRRD 863149

In: Proceedings of the 1994 International Road Federation IRF Conference and Exposition "Roads to the 21st century : a key to competitiveness", Calgary, Alberta, July 3-7, 1994, Volume 1, p. C17-C27

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