Travelling to school : a good practice guide.


A brief outline of current school travel patters in the UK is given. Ways of promoting walking and cycling, or where this is not possible, use of public transport (including special or ordinary bus services) are outlined. It is aimed to increase walking for journeys of less than a mile for younger children and less than two miles for older children, and cycling for journeys of 3-5 miles for older children. Challenges to this target include road safety concerns, lack of suitable highway infrastructure and personal security concerns. Improved pedestrian and cycle training is considered necessary. It is considered important to foster independent use of bus services by chidren so that they are familiar with alternatives to the car when they grow up. Improvements to the timetabling, organisation and availability of school and ordinary bus services are sought. Changes in the law concerning statutory provision of free school transport are discussed, aiming to increase flexibility in the services offered. Ways of discouraging anti-social behaviour on bus services are described. Car-sharing schemes are proposed for where there is no more sustainable alternative. Transport provision for children with special educational needs is discussed. Promotion of sustainable travel and road safety in the classroom within the National Curriculum is described. Sustainable travel should be part of the ethos of the school. It is intended that all schools should have a school travel plan by 2010. Throughout the report examples of best practice are provided. See also C 26390 fo.

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C 26389 [electronic version only] /72 /10 / ITRD E124980

London, Department for Transport (DfT) / Department for Education and Skills (DfES), 2003, 60 p.

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